Monday, November 29, 2010

Blog # ??? The Thanksgiving Thang! I forgot what number we're up to

Rodrigo Capurro
English 103
Professor McCormick
1 Dec 2010
            What am I thankful for, what am I thankful for? As I sat at the dinner table about to enjoy this year’s Thanksgiving feast, not only did I think about what I’m grateful for but what I tend to take advantage of.  I know for a fact that my family will probably eat a good amount of the food and will have leftovers for days.  But I wonder if other families do the same thing.  Do they throw out the rest of the food or do they keep it or feed it to their animals?  What if they donated it?  It would almost seem like a waste because Thanksgiving is the biggest volunteer and “giving food to charity” day in the whole year.  Would that contribution even help the homeless people considering they literally cannot eat anymore?  They can’t store leftovers and shelters do not have the capacity to store all that food, canned or otherwise.  The point of this rant is more like a message to everyone, don’t take for granted the little things you have and be extremely thankful for all of them.
            I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving with their families and if you worked earlier that day, enjoy the time and a half/double time.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Blog Numero Cuatro

Rodrigo Capurro
17 November 2010
Blog #4

            Wriitng was never been one of my strong suits.  I was always one of those kids that did well on the Math part of the statewide exams they gave back in elementary school.  Last week when we had to grade a couple a papers that Eng 101 students, it was a little tough.  I felt like you need patience when it comes to grading papers and an eye for detail.  The attention to detail is not the hard part but the patience is.  I’m not the most patient person.  I have trouble just proof-reading my own work because it feels like I should be using my time for other tasks but since I’m a student; I obviously have to do it.  So what I’m trying to say is I didn’t really enjoy grading/reviewing the Eng 101 papers because I do not have the patience for it.  That gives me more respect for teachers/professors that can spend hours/days grading papers.  They definitely have more patience than I do.

            But that doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy reading the personal stories that the Eng 101 students wrote.  No one person’s life is the same as someone else’s especially when it came down to the topic of love and happiness.  I really enjoyed the two different perspectives.