First, I’d like to start off with a disclaimer about my first post. On September 24, I had surgery to remove my gal bladder. Since then, I’ve been on an, um, interesting drug cocktail of painkillers and antibiotics. So if anything I post seems a little disorganized or is confusing, I apologize as I find it a little difficult to clearly express and organize my ideas, even on paper. With that out of the way, I get to the main point of this first blog post, my topic on the research paper.
I have only written one paper since I’ve been at LaGuardia Community College and I do not feel like adding more to that paper since I had a hard time finding sources for it. The only other class I’m taking is SCB 203 – Human Anatomy & Physiology I and I really do not feel like writing a paper about anything in that class. So hopefully Professor McCormick will allow me to pick a subject that I’ve always enjoyed. I’ve always been a weapon enthusiast, from medieval weaponry, modern weaponry to weapons on the Military Channel that are in the experimental phase. I’m not a sociopath who enjoys violence and people killing other people but I have always just found it fascinating.
As many of you have studied American history, you know that the United States has been involved in many wars; including wars were the United States of America was not the United States. Since the Revolutionary War, there has been one company that has been instrumental in the success of these major engagements and that company was the Springfield Armory. The Springfield Armory has outfitted all the U.S Armed Forces with small arms (a military term used for infantry weapons that an individual soldier and carry and fire) from 1794 to 1968. This paper is intended to show the major contributions that the Springfield Armory had to the U.S. Armed Forces and how they revolutionized small arms.
As for sources, most of them will come from databases and books about each individual war so I can get the most information possible since most of them do not talk much about weaponry. My biggest source will hopefully be a trip to the Springfield Armory historical site which is located in Springfield, Massachusetts.
As for sources, most of them will come from databases and books about each individual war so I can get the most information possible since most of them do not talk much about weaponry. My biggest source will hopefully be a trip to the Springfield Armory historical site which is located in Springfield, Massachusetts.